Assessment based.  Results driven.


Richard A. Montanaro, PhD is a Career Transition and Education Consultant that helps organizations and individuals realize their highest potential to reach their professional or educational goals. Specializing in skills assessment and training, he helps clients capitalize on their unique strengths and preferences to discover their ideal path to fulfillment and success. 


A proven talent development consultant with over 25 years of experience, Richard guides individuals in career transition in building a unique professional profile and brand.  He applies real world knowledge and an innate sense of empathy to help individuals and companies achieve their goals. 

  • Individual Discovery - Implementing an assessment based approach, this program guides executives and professionals in transition to clarify their skills and goals and execute the options available.
  • Group Discovery - Through workshops, companies and team leaders learn to recognize and value differences, work through issues and improve awareness which leads to increased productivity and a team performing at an optimum level.  

As a one-time PhD candidate, turned professor and career specialist, Richard can relate to the student on every level.  With an approachable manner and a wealth of knowledge, he has a special affinity for guiding students through their academic journey and onward to a fulfilling and well-suited career.

  • College to Career - Counsels college students trying to 'find their way' with a marketable degree as well as graduates moving into the marketplace for the first time. His Launch Package includes resume, cover letters and related marketing materials (your brand) grounded in the outcomes from the assessments completed.
  • Doctoral Mentor - Advises graduate, PhD/DBA students that need guidance in defining their topic and methodologies. Helps develop the researcher’s mind while addressing the emotional, social and financial obstacles related to pursuing an advanced degree.
  • Adjunct Instructor - Serves at the undergraduate, graduate, and PhD/DBA level. Offers course design/redesign utilizing Onground, Hybrid and online formats.

Scientifically effective, skills and behavioral assessments enable clients to recognize their strengths and natural preferences which is essential to finding meaningful and fulfilling work.  Richard is an expert in implementing the following career awareness and professional development tools.  

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
    Uncover sources of energy and learn how to process information and use it toward decision-making. Discover how one's personality type also influences lifestyle with specific insights on how one experiences stress and stressful situations.
  • Life Orientations (LIFO®)
    The Life Orientations unique approach identifies each person's strengths and maximizes potential by encouraging  use of underutilized talents.  Improves collaboration for better teamwork.
  • Career Portrait®
    Develop a work-life profile to gain a better understanding of career decisions, discover development needs, find clarity about skills and interests to maximize performance and connect with the most satisfying options and careers.
  • Activate a Self Awareness Process (ASAP)
    For individuals or groups in transition following job loss, this assessment identifies one's preferences for six critical job seeking behaviors and can tap into hidden resources to manage job transitions more effectively and find a fulfilling job sooner.
  • Career Situation Analysis (Mind Map)
    Visually and textually organize ideas, projects, thoughts and tasks in a way that gives structure, links related concepts and enables one to clarify and achieve career goals.